Getting outdoors for a breath of fresh air has been so important in these days of social distancing and quarantine. Now that you've walked around the block countless times, how about getting out in your garden? The weather remains a little chilly and rainy here in the northeast but I've managed to get out in the garden a few times. Here are some suggestions for early gardening activities, both indoor and outdoors:
Browse through those seed catalogs!
Check new plants and varieties. Look at all those new tomato varieties. Indulge your curiosity this year. It's time to try new things.

Sketch out a plan for your garden bed.
Have fun making several different sketches of your garden bed. Here is a sketch I did a few years ago. I included a path for access and a planter to contain a small rose bush.

Get ahead of the weeds
When you do get outside, this is a great time to start weeding. Pulling out weeds now before they go to seed will save you time down the road, especially in the heat of the summer.

Weeding may seem like a thankless task sometimes. But getting out there now in your garden and getting close to the soil in the sunshine will boost your spirits. You'll also get a look at plants beginning to emerge. Happy gardening! Stay safe and well.